River open for business
The Miss is open from Genoa down past Lansing. Running a little high and dirty. Temp 34.6. Minnesota slough is open. Access possible at Army Rd. launch.
Some guys ice fishing shore slough @ Lansing and north of Lawrence Lake on west side–DeSoto Bay, green lake on east side. Won’t catch me out there again until we start making ice instead of losing it!
Might mark jan 16-19 on calendar. www.ilsportsshow.com .This is the old Rosemont (Chicago) fishin’ show. I’m doing a walleye seminar on the main stage at 11;30 on Sat. the 18th. Followed by induction into Natl Fishing hall of Fame @ 3 pm. Real tall cotton for an ol’ river rat.
Believe i’ll head up to Alma to chase mongo eyes on wingdams with my bud Lee Fluekiger after church today. Maybe tomorrow too. Website has been experiencing issues. Will try to blog soon. Gotta get ready for the day. tight lines!