No October Bass Blast This Year

No October Bass Blast This Year

Mid October is always a time of great transition on the upper Miss. Water temps tumble from almost 70 at the end of September to the low 40’s at the end of October.

So far in 2019 we’ve seen just six weeks when water levels on the Immortal River were even CLOSE to normal. September was great. by aug. 3 the river was on the way back up again. It has been hanging close to the ‘minor flood’ level ever since.

Aggressive bass are easy to find in high water when water temps are still above 55 degrees. There is a little window between 57-54 degrees when bass go beyond easy to stupid. Unfortunately, this window slammed shut in less than 48 hours with howling wind, driving rain and plummeting temps putting a storm window on the easy bassin’ until late Spring.

Fishing in flood conditions is tough when other conditions are good–beyond tough when other stars don’t line up: 2019 in a nutshell.

The walleye bite doesn’t really get going in the fall until water temps hit about 48. We’re there now. but factor in flood coming through the trees and a sea of grass where there aren’t even inundated trees to stop the grass and tough doesn’t even come close. One anomaly this fall which makes you go hmmmm is the amount of duckweed floating on backwater sloughs. Can’t ever remember seeing that much duckweed.

As of today the USACE river level prediction has water levels falling to 630 @ Genoa by the 23rd. This will make walleyes, maybe panfish, just a little bit easier to catch

What we REALLY need to find consistent success is a River level below 627. At 627 it is easier to find walleye holding backeddies and edges on other structure.

meanwhile, water temperature is ticking slowly colder. I fish until most boat access is frozen in, with winter’s arrival just hours away. Back in 2015 fishing was good until just a week before Christmas. Last year my last guide trip was on Nov.2. Weather went to absolute crap a couple days after that and stayed there.

God only knows what the River level and weather conditions will be between now and game over for the year. If it doesn’t drop to 627 soon the Fat Lady is already singing.

Probably won’t blog again until conditions improve. But if you see a post between now and Christmas, call quick if you’re looking for a guide. And if the blog is talking about ice fishing, please don’t call at all. Too old to work on the hardwater anymore.

tight lines, y’all

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