Back on the Grid

Back on the Grid

Been a long time since we’ve howdied! I’ve been down in mexico Beach, Fla. since late january. Had to get a trans service on the ol’ Silveroo after pulling Spring weather back this way.

Quite a few folks still out ice fishing the backwaters. But ice edges are fading FAST. In about 3 days a hovercraft will be about the only way to get out there safely. The main channel is open from lansing up to the dam on pool 9. AS of yesterday, pool 10 tailwaters still pretty much locked up.

Yamaha tells me I’m now on their national pro staff. Thankful for that! Will be headed down to Jerry’s Sports Service in Beloit to mount the new Yammie on the stern of my Lund. Beaver will have my 2019 Evinrude E-tech 90 up for adoption after that. One sweet runnin’ motor!

Down in Florida I got out fishin’ pretty much every day. sometimes twice. Caught an Octopus, stingray, a pile of pompanos, whiting and reds. Biggest saltwater thrill was sight fishing a 39 1/2″ bull redfish in the surf. She garwoofled my signature series Rat-l-Trap RT-97 and peeled off over 200 yds. of line before she decided to run back toward the beach…then toward Panama City. What a fight!

In freshwater, fished the Dead Lakes near Wewahitchka a couple of times. The SMALLEST bluegill was 10″!!! Little white beetle spins and Roadrunners the hot baits. Best part—the best fishin’ there will start in about 2 wks.

Best part of trip was grabbing a 3 yr. old boy by the britches as he was about to fall off a 4′ wall into 9 fow, with no easy way for rescue. Went on a rampage with the MBFD demanding life rings/ ladders be placed. Couch potatoes seldom drive change. There are sweet ‘tators, mashed ‘tators and agi-tators. The rings/ladders will be placed next week. Both the local PD & FD gave me “challenge coins”. probably to get me out of dodge. Anyway, I plan on getting back on theRiver tomorrow and will keep you posted.

Lots of ice will be busting loose out of backwaters soon. Launching and heading upstream is smart…but floes can come in behind you. Having an alternate plan to recover the boat is wise. PFD’s won’t work if you don’t wear them. Even if you do, herpothemia can kill you pretty quick. So don’t go overboard.

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