A few days ago Pool 9 was as low as I’ve ever seen it in March with ice still in a lot of the backwaters. According to the NOAA website: The River will see significant rise beginning today, pegging out well into the ‘action stage’ by this time next week.
With rapid snowmelt far up in the cool blue north this rise could bump even higher, maybe tickling minor flood stage by April Fool’s Day. No problem!
Once we get to the ‘action’ stage access will be tough at some boat launches, BUT the walleyes & perch will be on a real feeding rip!
The rising River level will bump most ice out of the backwaters by next weekend, creating a possible navigation hazard. Pulling the transducer off the stern of your boat might be a wise idea for the next week or so.
Water won’t warm much for the short haul due to all the giant ice cubes. Walleyes will still be in the wintering holes–pretty much. But probing shallower edges in the afternoon might produce some big ol’ eyes.
I’m kicking off the 2021 guide season next Monday. A number of dates are already spoken for. But there are openings, too. Honestly, I’m not too eager to get back to work. Thinking about going to that special Saturday rate ($1000/4hrs) right out of the chute. Guiding is hard work. Even tougher once you’ve been on the planet for 7 decades. I LOVE fishin’ more than i need money…not that i’m that good at fishin’ BUT after maybe 48 hrs. of not being on the water the spectre of eventual mortality pushes me to get back out there every day possible.
This ain’t your problem. At least not yet. The time is at hand to git back to it.
Brother Dick Neefe is no longer with us. But, stealing a line from this premier river rat….See ya out there on the water.