Serious Fall

Serious Fall

Apologies for not blogging for over a month. Computer problems–and I’ve been too busy fishin’ to get things fixed.

Water temp has been holding steady @ about 55 for several days. Bass are in their last crazy feeding hoo-rah. River is rising like a rocket–almost five feet between this morning and Sat. afternoon.

Ambient temp is supposed to drop 20 degrees late tomorrow afternoon. Tomorrow’s trip will be challenging. But it might be the last, best day for awhile.

Yesterday we boated 108 bass in about 7 hrs. But that was yesterday. River will likely rise 2′ by tomorrow. It takes me at least an hour to figure out the fish every single day–when the River is stable.

Won’t know until tomorrow night if it all came together. The Miss is the most dynamic riverine freshwater fishery in North America. that’s why i love her so!

Now that shiny object issues are (hopefully) resolved I’ll try to blog more frequently. Regardless, don’t rely on me for fishin’ reports. consistent success is all about time on the water.

The River is supposed to rise a couple more feet over the next 72 hrs. The only way to stay on the fish is to be out there. So when the sun comes up in a few hours that’s exactly what i plan to do.

So…thanks for hangin’ in there!Talk soon.

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