Action Stage!
The River is projected to rise FOUR FEET over the next couple days, bringing us into “action stage” by Sunday afternoon–last time the River was this high was late March.
What this means is all gates are open @ most lock & dams and access may be challenging at some ramps like New Albin. For the next couple days fishin’ will be challenging BUT once we go 48 hrs. without rain backwaters which load from downstream will start to clear up on the north end, concentrating fish.
Influx of all this water should also drop water temp a bit. it was 77 on the mainstem yesterday.
navigation will be challenging, as there will be lotsa wood & other dunnage coming down–especially downstream from confluence with tribs like the Bad Axe & upper Iowa. The upside is, running aground is much less likely. You can also expect floating weeds to be a factor for at least the next few days–maybe until late fall.
By this time next week fishin’ should be really REALLY good. With prevailing low water conditions pretty much all summer finesse was needed most days–even throwing crankbaits.
From this point forward it will be a brand new ball game! Right now it looks like the sharp rise might reach crest by Tuesday. Until then, the challenge will be figuring out where fish are heading before they get there. Plan on doing considerable froggin’ around til this time next week.
Back in my college days I made the mistake of taking a 400 level course ‘History of Greek Philosophy’. One drunk Greek said it was impossible to step in the same river twice. Another drunk Greek said you couldn’t step in the same river once.
I’m thinkin’ the 2nd Greek got it right. In vino vertitas. I’m out there pretty much every day and it still takes me at least an hour to get in harmony with the River.
I KNEW she would come up substantially, eventually. Plum tickled that this day has arrived. May sound weird, but the more water headed downstream, the easier it is to reach that point of harmonic convergence.
Just took 4 fish (2 eyes/2 sheep) out of the smoker. The Admiral says she likes the sheep better. No surprise here! It’s all good–but when it comes to eating smoked fish, my vote is for the goat!