
Halfway point of summer?

Halfway point of summer?

We’re in the middle of the July 4 weekend–the halfway point of summer. But for the past five days the River has been saying we’re a little closer to fall than that.

Heavy, heavy eelgrass hs been coming down the River mainstem since Wednesday. On 4 of the past 5 mornings there has been heavy fog across the valley. Both of these conditions are what you would expect in mid-August. Not the 4th of July. maybe this weather trend will pass. The next week or so will be interesting.

River pool is at typical summer level, with zero significant rise or fall forecast for the next 10 days It’s still about a foot above low pool–when wingdam rocks start poking up. Being able to read the water is much more important than keeping eyes glued to electronics. About 95 % of fishin’ happens beyond the channel markers. Experience teaches the wisdom of returning to the channel at a 90 degree angle from where you were fishin’. Anything less might result in a trip to the prop shop.

With ever increasing siltation in the pool sandbars are where they never used to be just beyond the channel–especially on the downstream end of islands. Sometimes for up to several hundred yards.

I try to teach clients the difference between deep water riffles and sandbar shoal riffles–once again, something even the best electronics won’t show you at 50 mph!

The deepwater side of a sandbar shoal can hold a PILE of walleyes and smallmouth. Conventional wisdom says the marble-eyes shouldn’t be in < 4 fow on a sunny day. Not all miss River wallys got this memo.

With weed growth at summer peak bluegills and perch are hanging in 4-6 fow. Crappies are suspended in this depth and a little deeper under American water lotus cover and < 4′ down in wood where the deadfall has at least 10 fow under it. Crappies also suspend over sand just beyond the channel. Those folks with LiveTarget/LiveScope have an advantage in finding these fish. Since i don’t have this technology seeing little feeding dimples on the surface is how I have to locate these fish. A Blakemore RoadRunner “buffet rig” is locked and loaded to confirm the dimples are crappies. then it is usually ‘leave the livewell open’ time.

Walleyes are pretty much a sure thing if you have willocats. For those who don’t the #BillLewislures MR-6 in ghost craw has been a killer. Fish will also hit a Bomber 6A in root beer pattern. I doctor some of ’em with purple glitter nail polish across the back. I call this the Caitlin pattern. I do the same thing with that new #Northlandtackle Rumble Shiner. Since this lure has a longer profile I call it Lea pattern. The Lea pattern Rumble shiner tracks a little deeper. Great for fishing the deep water riffle end of a wingdam–if the weeds don’t get in the way.

SMB fishing has been spectacular with Chug Bugs & PopR’s from first light until sunrise on quiet mornings. ..not exactly fish-a-minute action. Only because those red-eyed demons don’t give up for at least five minutes.

Morning fog can put a crimp in fishing topwater on mainstem rocks for safety reasons. Use EXTREME caution when navigating in the fog!

My guide business is off at least 50% this summer. I’m blaming Putin’s dumb brother, Brandon. Have multiple openings if you wanna fish over the next couple months. I always fish hard. Put at least 110% into my work. BUT I’m also an old guy. Don’t give a **it if i work or not. When guiding i seldom pick up a rod unless its to teach a technique or prove we’re over fish. So if i’m not guiding I get to fish until I’m sick of fishing–pretty much every day. 4 hrs. or 20-25 fish is usually enough.

Might go to the boat ramp the next couple days with a sweet tea just to watch the clown act. But the fish don’t have to worry about this ol’ dawg til Tuesday morning.

Stay safe out there!

The stability of serious summer

The stability of serious summer

Water temperatures on both the River mainstem & in running sloughs has stabilized at 79.5 degrees–give or take a degree or two. River level is also steadily dropping. Pool 9 is now at typical summer levels.

Change is CONSTANT on the Mississippi. But major summer thunderstorm gullywashers not withstanding, the changes between now and mid-August will be minor.

Over the past week a great deal of weed growth beyond the channel has gone from submergent to emergent, good news for anglers on several fronts as it is easier to more quickly dial in fish patterns.

Free-floating weeds made trolling tough this morning for walleyes. Casting cranks on the rocks and pitching plastics in weeds were both effective. I can’t imagine a slow moving plastics presentation without first dousing the lure with LIQUID WILLOCAT. “Da Juice” also has profound effect on SMB

This morning was another day of ‘fun fishin’. i’m only guiding 2-3 days per week this summer. Sometimes less than that. I could blame the easy schedule on Putin’s gas price hike–but that would be a raft of crap.

The cost of travelling to the River from any distance has more than doubled this year. guides have had to raise prices due to an increase in fuel prices. Disposable income for recreation has definitely been squeezed. However, recreational use of the River is still pretty much nuts on Friday & Saturday. Much to be said for doing something besides fishing from noon on Friday to 2 pm on Sunday–unless chasing panfish or catfish.

These pursuits are more “catching” than “fishing” now that we’re in a solid summer pattern.

My typical day is getting on the water at first light and catching a few walleyes. When the bite slows about 7 a.m. I head for east side shade and catch a few bass. When the summer sun gets downright HOT about 9 a.m. its time to head for woody areas which have shade until noon and catch a few gills and crappies.

Catching pannies on my 9′ St. Croix panfish rod is far beyond SWEET.usually plum tuckered out by 11 a.m., time to head home for a light lunch and nap–a noon-time experience since BFD days which is almost as sweet as that St. Croix rod.

If its not too hot/humid in the evening, maybe get out and catch some SMB on topwater baits or maybe a Zman Ned rig. Off the water before sunset to avoid the skeeters.

Maybe a beer or sweet tea with the Admiral as the sun goes down. Then rise about 4:30 and get up to do it again. amen.

this world will make you crazy if you let it. Honestly not much we can truly control. Within this realm is a trolling motor. Hokay. 10 minutes past nap time. adios.

Summertime & the fishin’ is easy

Summertime & the fishin’ is easy

First, gotta clear the air: I’M STILL GUIDING! Three persons have asked in just the past 2 days. Yes, I broke my arm 2 weeks ago, BUT each arm has 3 bones. I only broke one bone in one arm–certainly not a ‘lame’ excuse to quit fishin’!

Bluegills, bass & crappies have been done spawning for awhile and are all in serious summer pattern. The River is dropping steadily to normal summer pool levels. Pretty much all boat launches are open and accessible with mostly dry feet.

Walleyes on mainstem rocks are now oriented where you would expect them to be at normal summer pool levels.

The 10 foot contour is a good range to target when pulling cranks in the running sloughs. #ZMan chatterbaits w/a paddletail trailer–and of course #RatLTraps have been great walleye weapons with weed growth in many areas which hold ‘eyes less than 2’ submergent.

Water clarity in these areas is 3’+. I’ve actually gone to a floro leader for many presentions here. There is an aricle about chasing ‘eyes in the weeds which should be out today in the DRIFTLESS JOURNAL newspaper.

Pike & LMB are hammering the daylights out of black buzzbaits now. SMB have been garwoofling Chug Bugs over both rocks and weeds when the water is calm.

A Ned rig with a #ZMan TRD has been a killer on SMB near the slack water/current interface all over the pool. I think the NED is just the lure du jour–senkos, heck TUBE JIGS, still catch fish…its just the Ned & his cousin Neko are new kids on the block.

To reiterate: YES I am still guiding! Several open days between the 19th & end of June–also in months which follow. Truly thankful that i live here–less than a mile from work–from my perspective here on the River between gas prices & the economy I believe a hard rain’s a gonna fall before summer’s end. Our nation is at a tipping point.

Take a look at proposed “red flag” laws about to infringe our 2nd Amendment God-given rights. See that little hammer & sickle up in the corner of the red flag?

It’s gonna be 97 today. 4 out of 5 voices in my head say ‘stay home and clean the guns”. Don’t forget sun block and HYDRATE out there on the water!

All Species on the Chew

All Species on the Chew

After several days of sharing walleye wisdom with clients and a couple of pros in the upcoming nat’l walleye tourney out of PdC this Thurs/Fri I was ready for some multi-species fun fishin’

The River continues to fall towards normal summer pool. Water clarity is good. Temp is 66-70 degrees. The walleye pros should have a very productive tourney Action on main channel rocks is picking up and the bite is good back in the sloughs, too. Just about any way they try to catch ’em should work.

Started the morning chasing panfish. After about 30 minutes I had caught bluegill, perch, crappie & punkinseed. Switched over to bass. Trifecta of SMB,LMB & WB was pretty easy. LMB on Z-Man Chatterbait, SMB on the chatterbait and ned rig, WB mostly on a 1/4 oz. Big Dude blade bait now being offered by B-Fish-N Tackle. The chatterbait & blade both fooled pike. Had a couple of crawlers left over. Threaded a half-crawler on a 3/32 oz pyrokeet Precision jighead and drifted a running slough in 9-11 fow, picking up walleyes, sauger, a channel cat & of course–a sheep.

There are over 130 species swimming in Pool 9 . It isn’t unusual to catch 4-5 different species in a day on the water. Think a dozen different species is about the biggest variety I’ve ever boated in a single half-day trip.

Finally had enough. My broken rt. elbow was killin’ me. Knew it was time to go home and ride the horse that threw me ; my mesh hammock. My foot got tangled when trying to exit the hammock a week ago. Spun around and did a mumblety-peg elbow plant on the hard ground 3′ below.

Right after this blog is posted I’m gonna pour another glass of sweet tea and face the swingin’ demon which threw me to the ground. A man’s gotta do what a man’s gotta do…

High water til mid-June

High water til mid-June

Access is the biggest challenge to catching fish on Pool 9. High water and ‘wet foot’ policies at almost all boat launches will be part of the program until at least mid-June

Fluctuating water temperature have been a real curve ball this year. On May 27 temp on the mainstem was 62 degrees–down from 65 a week earlier, down from 72 the week before that. Found some 65 degree water yesterday which will warm again to 72 quickly. The bluegill spawn will be right on schedule!

With cool water temperatures the catfish bite has been ‘challenging’. Channel cat are NOT in the channel–they are now swimming where there is essentially bare ground at normal summer pool levels ;back in the trees.

Most ‘active’ gamefish fish are holding in < 10 fow–in many cases less than 3 fow. Weed growth is for the most part submergent. A Z-Man Jackhammer chatterbait has been my go-to lately…even for walleyes.

On May 27 my client caught a foot long RAINBOW trout on a Rat-L-Trap MR6 in ghost craw pattern. The fish was swimming in a mid-pool running slough at least 7 miles from the nearest designated trout water.

Brown trout get caught every now and then late winter, up until mid-April. But a RAINBOW? On an MR-6 in LATE MAY ?? Would have expected a salt water pelagic before a ‘bow with June just a few days away.

That’s the beauty of ol’ man River! Water clarity on the mainstem and active dunning sloughs has been really good…even better in places which load up from downstream, pushing clearer water generally north. Fished a couple places with 6’+ visibility yesterday.

Conventional wisdom says 6′ visibility and rainbow trout in almost June are two things you shouldn’t expect to see as we approach serious summer. The key to consistent success on this enigmatic water has one subliminal key: listen to the River!

This is much like speaking Pashtu or Swahili–something you’ve gotta do almost every day. uhuru sasa.



Wildly fluctuating water temp has resulted in a challenging bite this Spring. Several 4 degree drops overnite just when the River was approaching 55 degrees followed by window where it jumped 12 degrees in just 48 hrs really made things tough. BUT over the past 4 days temp has dropped to 64-66….right where it ought to be mid May

THE BITE IS ON for pretty much everything. Yesterday boated about 80 SMB, LMB, pike, walleyes, sauger and WB in just a half-day trip on Rat-L-Trap. All species feeding heavily on shad. Key was changing cadence of retrieve.

River is rising steadily toward minor flood stage. Access to most ramps is challenging. Wet foot policy in effect. BUT bluegills are now swimming on what was dry ground just a week ago…and they are AGGRESSIVE.

I was scheduled for heart surgery on 5/23. It has been postponed, so i have several open dates between now and Memorial Day.

Don’t know if this year will be like ’19 with perpetual flood conditions BUT large watersheds in the north country are belly full, so we likely won’t see summer pool for another 6 wks. at least. no matter. the fish are already wet…and they’re hungry!

The Heat is ON!

The Heat is ON!

Mother Nature FINALLY turned up the heat on Mother’s Day! Water temps FINALLY moved beyond 55 degrees. They won’t dip back down below 55 until fall.

55 is a magic temp for many species. SMB go on the move toward spawning areas, dropping their eggs shortly after temps reach 61 degrees. We’re already there right now in many running sloughs.

Submergent weed growth has really taken off in dark bottom backwaters, drawing pannies which in turn draws predators like pike, bass and WALLEYES.
An amazing number of quality ‘eyes get caught by folks chasing bass in the sloughs. The walleyes are in the backwaters BECAUSE THE FOOD IS THERE.

Probably the best multi-species lure in the backwaters right now is a #Zman chatterbait with a 3″ fliptail trailer. I modify these by removed the snap and replacing it with a 4″ steel leader. My fave chatterbait color is black or white or crawdad, Color choice is driven primarily by water clarity.

The River level is dropping steadily now. With no massive rains upstream pool 9 should be below ‘action stage’ by may 16, making almost all boat launches available without getting feet wet.

My beloved #RatLTrap in oxbow pattern is always rigged on at least one rod. On yesterday’s trip a sizable dogfish inhaled a client’s lure. No suprise. But when a 15 lb. bigmouth buffalo slurped the Rat-L-Trap in it was a jaw dropper, Conventional wisdom says this species simply don’t do that!

yesterday’s trip produced a half-dozen fish species throwing Z-Man , Mepps double blade spinners, spinnerbaits & of course the TRAP.

Tomorrow a couple of folks from S. Carolina are booked. They have never fished the upper Miss. This, and helping kids realize their fishabilities are two major reasons why I still guide .

For the past month fishing has been generally tough. three +30″ walleyes already BUT generally tough putting numbers in the boat. Willocat have been the best weapon for both quality SMB & ‘eyes. This is always true. But with temps now past the point of no return the catch rate now averages 4-5 per hour…after the hour it takes to figure out what kind of mood the River is in.

I have a couple of open dates this month and a few more in June, but I’m not anxiously waiting to book them. Having too much fun just fishin’. Good chance this will be my last year to work. Stay safe out there!

Post-prom Walleye patterns

Post-prom Walleye patterns

The big dance is over with frisky male walleyes looking for fun while slack-bellied females slide back downstream a little higher in the water column.

Sharply falling water temps when it was just about show time pushed spawning back a couple of weeks. But they got-er-done over the weekend. Water temp on April 24 was a solid 49-50 in a brutal south wind which switched to WSW in the early afternoon and then really started to howl. Needless to say, boat control was tricky especially since my trolling motor decided not to work. A quick run to J-Man MinnKota repair got me back on the water for tomorrow…But the possibility of a hard frost tonite will drop temps again making walleye/saugers in sand based running sloughs a better option than chasing smallmouth bass which begin their pre-spawn migration when water temps reach 55 degrees.

You can expect to find marble-eyes over pretty much clean sand bottom in 12-14 fow for the next couple of weeks. The fish will respond to pulling 3-way rigs upstream @ 1.1-1.7 mph or hair jigs/plastic downstream eith pitching/dragging or in a vertical drift. On any given day one presenttion will work better than the other.

The River level has stabilized at ‘action stage’. Looks like this trend will continue. This means access at some ramps is impossible and many other ramps require knee boots to keep feet dry at both ends of the launching sequence. Road closures on both sides of the River are also part of this matrix

Bluegills are back in the trees in very shallow water right now. You’ll probably need to frog around to find ’em. But when you do catching a mess is pretty easy. Crappies are still pretty much in late winter/deep water pattern, suspended over submergent wood. Perch are in the wind for the short haul. With spawning completed only prepubescent river tigers are hanging around in areas which used to hold quality fish. Don’t be surprised if you pick up a big ‘un when looking for walleyes.

Besides challenging access the WIND is an ever-present factor. It seems like wind is < 10 mph only about every 5th day, seriously impacting presentation options once you’ve found the fish.

So far this year fishing overall has been generally tough when it comes to putting numbers in the boat (besides perch & saugers) . But this is definitely been a good year so far for quality walleyes. The slot limit is already working!

Although there is no sauger size limit on pool 9 and the daily bag of walleyes is 6 from 15-20″, harvest in my boat is 3 walleyes per angler, with no sauger <14″.

If you wanna fish with me and take home more bring a kid! Kids from 12-15 fish for for free. Kids younger than that are entirely the responsibility of the adult who brought them. To my mind there is no more important task an adult can do. My job is to ensure this person has every advantage to assure the true hero status that they deserve.

tight lines, y’all!

Staircase landing back in the trees

Staircase landing back in the trees

On Wednesday I saw just one other boat in 5 hrs. on the River mainstem. Water temp was 45-47 degrees. Found male walleyes in <10 fow, females 12-14′. Five legals boated. Kept a 19″ male for supper. All fish still had firm bellies.

The only bait i threw was a QUARTER OUNCE #B-Fish-N tackle pyrokeet precision jighead w/ firecracker /chartreuse Moxie. Plenty of weight if you’re fishin’ where the fish are in calm wind conditions.

With a sharply rising River and falling temps I still expect to find the males in < 10 fow—BUT probably back in the trees, with the afternoon bite probably better (if the sun is out).

Being out there pretty much every day it still takes me at least an hour–every day– to get the walleye pattern dialed in.

Quiet backeddies where a 1/4 jig is plenty are tougher to find on a rising River. When wind is a factor there are days when 1/2 oz is neccessary to fish a jig effectively.

Although the full moon is tomorrow night I think the major spawning push will be a week from now. Of course, a week from now will be a brand new ball game.

Believe I’ll spend the next couple days chasing stream trout between the wind gusts. Hopefully back on the River monday afternoon.

Walleye spawn by Easter?

Walleye spawn by Easter?

Several factors combine to convince a marble-eyed egg cannon to commence firing. Probably the most critical is water temp–45-48 degrees in some waters, but 42-43 in other waters like the Wisconsin River.

When the desirable water temp is in harmony with the full moon period the majority of fish will spawn over just a couple of days. On April 4 the water temp on the Miss River mainstem on pool 9 was 39.7 degrees. On April 8 the temp had fallen to 37.2. On Palm Sunday the temp climbed back up to 41-42 degrees. HOWLING winds have made lure presentation difficult for the past 10 days.

The full moon will rule the sky on April 16. Some walleyes will drop their eggs by the 18th. BUT the extended weather forecast calls for high temps of 40 by next weekend. This factor and fact that every female walleye boated in the past week still had a firm belly makes me believe the major spawning push will likely happen next weekend, April 22-24. This is pretty much in the typical window of April 15-25. Last year walleyes were spawning on April Fool’s day–way earlier than the ‘norm’

Client Nolan Franzen caught his PB on Palm Sunday: 30.2 x 17.5″. Estimated weight 12.25 lbs. Fish ate a B-Fish-N Tackle purple firecracker Moxie on a 1/2 oz. jig—normally far too heavy when fish have ‘stair stepped’ up to the 16′ contour.

usually 1/4-5/16 works well at this point in pre-spawn migration into shallower water. But maintaining occasional bottom contact in the HOWLING wind has required that much weight to stay in the game.

In all of 2021 four honest 30″ fish came aboard my Lund Alaskan. So far this year there have already been 2 fish within 1/4″ of this mark. I credit the slot limit for better fishing! Over the past 5 yrs. I have been lucky to see just ONE 30″ eye in a season.

With the slot on pool 9, walleyes from 20-27″ are protected. Congrats to Nolan for releasing his trophy fish! After 50 years of seriously chasing the dual-dorsaled myopic manitou I’ve caught a number of honest 10s, many of these on ‘trophy’ water like Bay De Noc, Erie, N. Door County & Canada. MY PB is only 13.3–caught on a BLUEGILL behind an egg sinker in the Red River above Greer’s Ferry Lake, Ark. over 40 years ago.

But I digress : the toughest fish you’ll ever release is your 1st honest 10.

Today I’m gonna go rip some pike lips. Pike spawn @ abut 45 degrees. We’re there in the spawning sloughs RIGHT NOW. Weapons of choice for pike are an orange/brown Northland double bladed magnum spinnerbait, A #5 double blade Mepps in obnoxious flourescent with a mylar tail and the RT 97 #RatLTrap –the Red Head Uncle Ted.

The River is at ‘action stage” on Pool 9. Forecast is continued rise of about a foot over the next 10 days. The Army road boat launch on the River’s west side is about 4″ shy of closing as of noon on 4/11.

Hope i can squeeze in one more trip before having to try less desirable launch options. tight lines, y’all